No Take Backs Chapter One

No Take Backs Chapter One

Chapter One – Nia “When was the last time you had sex? I mean actual sex, involving another person and not one of those fancy-ass vibrators you constantly send me links to check out. Real sex. Where you start clothed and end up naked with your legs behind your...
No First Kisses Chapter One

No First Kisses Chapter One

Chapter One – Poppy I gave up on trying to keep him out after he broke the fourth lock on my door and it wouldn’t shut right until he fixed it after his next visit in the middle of the night.  It’s useless, and Logan Pierce knows it.  Hell, he knows every inch...
No Hard Feelings Chapter One

No Hard Feelings Chapter One

Chapter One – Chloe The day I bury my brother is the worst day of my life. Worse than when our father died from cancer or when Mom died from her heart breaking, literally. At least when they died, I had Kevin there to hold my hand and tell me everything would be...
No Sweet Goodbyes – Chapter One

No Sweet Goodbyes – Chapter One

Chapter One – Emma My lungs are on fire, my body aching with every step forward, and all I want to do is collapse into a puddle of nothing but sweat and death on the ground. Every breath I pull in feels like sweet agony, but I don’t stop. I can’t stop. Anyone...
No Second Chances Chapter One

No Second Chances Chapter One

Chapter One – Kennedy “Maybe I should change into something different?” Honestly, I look more like I’m ready to crawl into bed than to go pick up Remy from the airport. The black leggings and oversized shirt can almost pass for regular attire, but with the way...
No Broken Promises – Chapter One

No Broken Promises – Chapter One

Chapter One – Remy Dear Parker… I don’t know how to start this letter, or if I should even be writing you one. You just lost your husband, and I… lost one of my best friends. I don’t think any of us will know what’s the right thing to do. Not for a long time....

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